Thursday, August 27, 2009

Theme Song Thursday

I'm hoping to get back into my groove at some point. I no longer have a computer so if I get on it's at a friend's house here and there. I'm trying to still read blogs at the very least because I'll go insane if I lose touch with the blogosphere. I'm not sure when I'll get a computer again because there are so many other things I need (bed, couch, my car fixed since that broke on top of everything else). I'm going to continue my theme song Thursdays because I am still here. Maybe only half way...but still here.


Mike said...

What is wrong with your car???

Sarah K said...

look on the bright side. when you DO get some screen time, you'll have that much more facestalking to catch up on!

good luck :(

Medora said...

This is a fun song - I have never heard it before.

Pesto Sauce said...

Hope you get your computer soon

Pesto Sauce said...

Hope you get your computer soon