-This weekend I spent my first Valentine's Day single in 10 years. Maybe some of you can do the math on that...I'm not that old. I've had a Valentine every year since I was 13.
I thought about writing a post about it....love. I played around with the idea of writing down things men do wrong, but then I came to the realization that maybe men aren't really doing anything wrong. Even if they were, I'm sure they don't care what I have to say about it. Then I heard this song...
Then I realized that there is no secret to love. It just happens. It usually happens when you're not looking for it...at least that's when it happened for me.
-Speaking of Michael Buble...he's my hottie this week (after many weeks without one). I think it's time to bring them back.

- My friend thinks he discovered the secret to love while watching a movie. The problem with this secret is that it doesn't work on yourself...in fact it won't work if you know about it at all. If you know the secret, you must use it selflessly for others. I'll tell you if you want to know...but if you don't then stop reading....
I'll wait...
...are they gone?
Okay! Here it is! The secret to love...
You need to find 2 people in a room/bar/party who have no idea the other one exists. They need to be 2 completely average looking people (Not gorgeous, not fugly) and if one has already noticed the other this won't work. You go up to each one individually and say something like, "See that guy/girl over there? Yeah, that one. He/she told me you were cute." Once you say this to both of them, the wheels will start turning and one will go talk to the other one. Then you just sit back and watch love develop out of thin air. I'm telling you...these two will be together forever. Trust me on this one.
Okay...the rest of you can come back now.
- Have you ever had one of those days when your iPod or iTunes is on shuffle and it just keeps playing all the right songs? Whatever you're feeling at that moment...the iPod just knows. It's creepy. I'm sure Apple will legitimately come out with a product that will read human emotion. Just like how Mercedes came out with a model that senses when you're dozing off at the wheel and wakes you up. Some people think that's really cool. I think it's the creepy. I'm surprised human beings aren't part machine already.
Michael Buble is totally hot. LOVE him.
Super HOT!
I've had the same Valentine for 10 years now! All that fancy newness left our relationship years ago...and now with a baby, we did nothing this year. Nothing. Just another day. Kinda sad.
I so cant wait to find random strangers in a bar now - let the match-making begin!
Just FYI: I gave you an award. Stop by to pick it up.
I've heard that song like a million times in the past few days. I think its a sign. lol.
Awesome video.
Have tried the "secret" out before. Works awesome. But for the 2 people in question... not for me :(
So whats the secret to make things work for self rather than for other people? Or does it work on the theory what goes around comes around?
A few years ago, a friend was flying somewhere (I don't remember where). This guy was seated next to her and they started talking during the flight. Among other things, he told her he was so excited because he had just been offered a recording contract and he was on his way to meet with the record company. He told her to be listening for him on the radio. Her reaction inside was "yeah, right." His name was Michael Buble.
penn state hasn't improved their transcript situation since i went there apparently. i just did a summer session, but they hung up all my college apps because they wouldn't send me the damn transcript.
ooh Michael Buble! yuum!!
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