Thursday, September 17, 2009

Theme Song Thursday

I'm heading back to college to visit some friends this weekend and I wanted a song that would have something to do with that. I wanted to share one of the awesome videos of my school and the football games but I fear that if I do so I would be running the risk of losing my anonymity (which may or may not have been lost already).

So I thought about it...

...and thought some more.

And decided...

...that I couldn't do it.


I'm leaving you with this instead. I thought it was pretty funny. Unfortunately this was the attitude I had in didn't last long. This kid is in for a rude awakening.

Second order of business...I wrote a blog that's scheduled to be posted tomorrow. It's about condoms. I'm afraid it might be too much. While there are no details of previous experience, there is reference. As anonymous as I try to be, I fear that I have become a little lax in my posts and comments. I've gotten in trouble for my thoughts before and I don't want it to happen again. My first entry pretty much explains how I felt about the whole thing.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is...what's the cost of blogging freely? Did I give up my rights when I decided to go into education? Some would say I did, in fact some have already told me I did. What do you think about this?


Anonymous said...

I have always tried to remain anonymous too but bit by bit I am outing myself! I can blame no-one other than myself however ... the tribulations of having a big mouth!! I don't think I will ever have a total outing but I do need to remain careful ... not because of my job but because of where I live.

Mike said...

It pains me to see you education people have to walk on egg shells! This is crazy to have to censor your self and hide in your private life. It is crazy!

BlackSnow said...

have fun,I don't like people knowing who I am neither.:))

Girl of True Heart said...

I laughed my ass off at the video. I laughed because I'm still paying off those damn loans and I'm almost 40. Too funny. And what a great intro to your blog.

Joanne said...

I will have to check out he video soon and forward it to my friend in Financial Aid. My new hubby is in late 40's and we are still paying off his student loans - but I guess thats the price you pay for finding out what you want to be when you grow up at 38.

I have just about given up on being anonymous.

Medora said...

When you work with kids in a position of authority/influence - like teachers, and librarians, in my case - it's a tricky thing we do when trying to express ourselves. I am semi-anonymous in my Net postings, but I am very aware of what I write and am careful. I don't think anyone is searching around to see what I am writing, but you never know - I won't write anything for which I won't accept responsibility, which is my bottom line. A lot of people use the Net as license to behave in ways they never would in real life; then they are shocked when they are held accountable. Your concern about your postings is an indication of your maturity - I wish more posters would think before they write.

sAm said...

I hear you about the anonymity. I felt absolutely horrible this summer when I realized I had written too much information on my blog and I was coming up on google searches. Frick. Since then my blogging has been reduced - I don't know if it's a coincidence or I just don't have anything to say. I do know that my posts will continue to be me...I am proud of myself, and the main issue I can see people having is the language I use. However, I am not immoral, I do not do illegal things, nor do I denigrate other people. So I just try to be myself. As much as I can.